Traditional sheepskins

Nasza oferta to bardzo szeroki wybór skór owczych tradycyjnych, których jesteśmy producentami. Skóry owcze tradycyjne, to jeden z najchętniej wybieranych przez klientów dodatek do domu czy mieszkania, gdyż ich uniwersalność, ponadczasowy charakter i elegancja idealnie dopasują się do każdego wnętrza.
” “We offer various kinds of sheepskins such as: relugan-medicinal sheepskin, moufflons which are dyed skins with beautiful hair and delicate shades of bronze and whiteness, bronze and white skins as well as black Islands which delight you with their fluffiness and long hair.
We also offer dyed skins of various colours which look beautifully in children rooms or modern interiors. The skins are available in standard sizes as well as the so-called giant skins. We can sew up several skins at your request.
- Rich assortment
- The best quality